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Who is A-Squared LAMP Groups? You Are!

Our Leadership Team(s)

Because we develop others’ leadership skills, we are intentional about  those who serve with us as leaders – where and how they serve, and to what extent. 

Our governing board of directors is our primary leader group in charge of our nonprofit’s overall compliance and health. Each board member is also a member participant. They attend meetings, work with each other for the overall health of our organization, and each adopts an aspect of our work for promotion and/or raising funds. The supporting advisory board is comprised of experts in a field, industry, or skill who are willing to partner, cross-promote, participate, and advise based on their expertise. 

Each project ideally has a compensated member mentor who is responsible for welcoming and onboarding others into the project, and shared-cost project participants also serve on a project administrative board to ensure the longevity and health of their project. Our partnership(s) ideally have a primary host partner leading the work with some compensation alongside their chosen program advisory panel that advises, connects, and assists in the partership work as a team. Our programs are run by us, but may have a client leadership team that is trained and trusted for the purpose of successful implementation of their program. 

Our Donors are Partners

Your donations are essential to this community’s health. We do failure interventions the right way – to reignite passion, purpose, engagement, and directive success for emerging, struggling, or misaligned professionals and creative entrepreneurs. Without your donation, that isn’t possible. YOU are essential. How can you help?

  • Donate by becoming a member/partner. 100% of the cost is donation to our work, and you get to participate so that your presence and feedback help shape what we do. 
  • Donate by sponsoring one or more specific partnerships, programs, or projects. The ones with the greatest need for outside assistance are those whose participants need the shared-cost amounts to help subsidize their ability to keep access. 
  • Donate a gift to kickstart startup clients/members. As incubated members, we administer their funds directly without keeping any part of it and tie it to their own success strategies and budgets we co-develop with them. The funds are well-accounted for by us and encourage recipients in their work.
  • Donate funds, Volunteer Matching. Let us decide where to best utilize your gifts. Our overhead is low and our leadership is voluntary. We can be trusted. We are also set up to receive matching funds, and volunteer service is just as honored by us.  
We need your passion, leadership and contribution. To explore ways to get involved, take our no-obligation 5-question volunteer quiz

Partnerships, Current

STOP DIGGING! PODCAST. Provides a podcast to the public and to members (private) that addresses pain-point issues in the areas of health, learning, relationships, and organizations by bringing practical resources, information, and connections to build up the purpose, passion, and pursuits of listeners’ Life Work. Also highlights program, project, and member participants. 

Programs, Current

PAY-IT-FORWARD COACHING SCHOLARSHIPS. Creates a chain of recipients who get their services and once getting to their desired success level, subsequently donate to the next recipient’s fund to get.

GLOBAL EXPRESSIONS. Provides a heavily subsidized language learning platform to individuals, teams, travelers, companies, ministries, and organizations. Each can assign or recruit language teachers or practice groups within a system that offers 70 full languages and 24 ESL options. 

Projects, Current

WE-LEARN LMS. Provides a partially subsidized shared-cost access to professionals who want to offer online courses, training, and workshops. Enterprise level access includes a success coach, all system features, individualized branded portals, independent payment setup, and monthly support sessions with other project participants. 

MEMBER TRIPS. Provides opportunities for members to connect, explore, discover, and learn together biennially in a new land/nation/experience/culture. Includes coaching introductions, assessments, and other resources to travelers. 

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2017 Passport Intl Wine & Food Tasting​



International dishes hand-prepared by Désirée, board member and volunteer cook. International wines donated by Total Wines & More in Brea. Various display installations and conversation coaching starter activities were conducted. Display of our Nonprofit and its work was also a hit.

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2017 Passport Intl Wine & Food Tasting​



International dishes hand-prepared by Désirée, board member and volunteer cook. International wines donated by Total Wines & More in Brea. Various display installations and conversation coaching starter activities were conducted. Display of our Nonprofit and its work was also a hit.

2017 Passport Intl Wine & Food Tasting​



International dishes hand-prepared by Désirée, board member and volunteer cook. International wines donated by Total Wines & More in Brea. Various display installations and conversation coaching starter activities were conducted. Display of our Nonprofit and its work was also a hit.

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Before You Go

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