[dt_sc_fullwidth_section backgroundcolor="#000000" parallax="no" backgroundrepeat="no-repeat" textcolor="#eded02"]Travel to Old World Huntington Beach during Oktoberfest to enjoy a cold beer or glass of wine and a charcuterie tray of meats & cheeses while you paint your own art canvas.[/dt_sc_fullwidth_section]
Oktoberfest's "Alpine View." Dress comfortably and bring a smock if you like. We provide everything else! You will receive beer or wine and a charcuterie plate at Old World Huntington Beach where our Oktoberfest painting journey begins. Step-by-step, our artist-at-heart local instructor will guide you on your Alpine painting activity. Get your friends out of the house for a little fun. One drawing ticket will be given to each attendee for a prize. Other gift baskets and artist-created canvases will be available on-site for a minimum-donation. Tickets and gifts are 100% tax-deductible benefitting the nonprofit A-Squared LAMP Groups.*
Covid-19 legal protocols are in place, and the event will be held on the restuarant patio Biergarten. There is plenty of room, so bring your friends and family to de-stress together. Teens over aged 12 are also welcome and alcoholic beverages will be substituted in the package for anyone under 21 yrs old. Every adult will receive 1 beer or 1 glass of wine and a charcuterie plate. All art supplies, easels, canvases, and instructions are included and provided by us. Thank you for coming!
[dt_sc_button link="https://www.betterunite.com/a2lamps-paint-n-sip-alpineview" size="large" bgcolor="#f92718" textcolor="#000000" align="center" target="_blank"]REGISTER NOW[/dt_sc_button]
* Who is A-Squared LAMP Groups? It is a nonprofit 501(c)3 US-based charity providing development to empower people, companies, and organizations by providing services (coaching, training, consulting), system resources, and opportunities to work together. It seeks to make high-end services, systems, and help accessible to all. This is done through flat-fee memberships, shared-cost access, contracted packages, participant-funded projects, and donor-funded programs. The nonprofit’s vision, mission, and strategy statements can be found here: https://asquaredlamps.org/about