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A-Squared LAMP Groups

Providing resources and tools to design & build your life's work

Serving transitioning workers, non-STEM startups, businesses in crisis, and organizations with stagnant growth



About Us

We are a nonprofit 501(c)3 US-based charity. We provide professional and organizational development to empower people, companies, ministries, and organizations offering services (coaching, training, consulting), system resources, and interactive group opportunities to work together. We make high-end services, platforms, and expert help accessible to all through donation-based memberships, shared-cost access, participant-funded projects, and scholarships that depend upon grant or donor-funded programs. 

Our passion is to help you shine YOUR light brighter in the world. If your health focus, relationship interaction, organizational involvement, and career satisfaction is feeling a little dull, dark, and uninspired – our nonprofit exists for YOU. 

Vision, Mission, Strategy

We develop and serve as a launching catalyst for aspiring workers, entrepreneurs, and professional, community, & ministry focused groups to develop sustainable independence, interdependence, and interactive growth. We utilize the LAMP model in our work: 

  • Learning (opportunities)
  • Advancement (services)
  • Membership (benefits)
  • Partner (networking groups)

Our aim is to stimulate sustainable growth and success utilizing research-proven methods that help to correct repeated failure patterns and thus create a toxic-free work/life environment.

A single light is most visible when it is alone and in the dark. Until it burns out.

Our passion is to sustainably empower people in their uniqueness, amplify their success for growth, and to build accountability communities of support. In the right place with the right people, just imagine how bright, shadowless and long-burning we can be together.

That is powerful. That is illuminating. And that is our passion."

-- Susan Zytnik-Künzler


Our Community Service

Our goal is to provide professional development coaching, consulting, & organizational tools to individuals, at-risk groups, growing organizations, and pre-launch startups that have limited access or funding for resources in order to mitigate failure rates.

We Serve:

Our Volunteers

Because our entire board of directors is uncompensated (volunteers who lead), we are highly supportive partners with all of the other people who volunteer with our organization. Whether volunteers choose to serve in leadership roles, on a team, or offering expertise in their work underneath us, we are grateful. Volunteers who have ideas, skills, and willingness to help us in current roles or outside the "box" are welcomed and valued.

Board of Directors

We have an entirely volunteer board of directors. Each director is not only a member of our nonprofit, but also voluntarily "adopts" one aspect or work of our operations to provide insight, oversight, and direct interaction between participants and the board. Their collaborative and co-creative spirit is something we are proud of. They are each passionate, truthful, generous, encouraging, and supportive of each other and our organization.


2017 Passport Intl Wine & Food Tasting​



International dishes hand-prepared by Désirée, board member and volunteer cook. International wines donated by Total Wines & More in Brea. Various display installations and conversation coaching starter activities were conducted. Display of our Nonprofit and its work was also a hit.

Before You Go

Don't forget to copy the code below


2017 Passport Intl Wine & Food Tasting​



International dishes hand-prepared by Désirée, board member and volunteer cook. International wines donated by Total Wines & More in Brea. Various display installations and conversation coaching starter activities were conducted. Display of our Nonprofit and its work was also a hit.

Before You Go

Don't forget to copy the code below


Before You Go

Don't forget to copy the code below


Before You Go

Don't forget to copy the code below


2017 Passport Intl Wine & Food Tasting​



International dishes hand-prepared by Désirée, board member and volunteer cook. International wines donated by Total Wines & More in Brea. Various display installations and conversation coaching starter activities were conducted. Display of our Nonprofit and its work was also a hit.
